Your personal training in Berlin takes place in the fully equipped private gym, including a water dispenser.
On request we can also do training at your home or as outdoor training in a park near you.
When creating your training plan, I take into account not only your goal but also individual muscular and/or structural deficits in order to achieve the best possible progress.
Whether you want to improve your fitness and health in general,
or your goals: muscle building, sustainable weight loss,
Increasing endurance and strength training or learning the right technique.
With personal training you have maximum effectiveness, individuality, flexibility, holistic advice and learn the correct technique and breathing with the highest motivation.
Personal training is the best decision,
because it's all about you. Your trainer will make sure you get the most out of every workout, with individual plans and tips that are perfectly tailored to your goals. Imagine always having someone by your side who pushes you, motivates you and shows you how to train safely and efficiently. This way you can reach your fitness goals faster, stick to them and avoid boredom. In short: with a personal trainer you get the boost you need to really get going.
hang in there
Als Personal Trainer helfen wir dir, deine Zeit optimal zu nutzen. Anstatt stundenlang ineffektiv im Fitnessstudio herumzuirren, konzentrierst du dich auf effektive Workouts, die direkt auf deine Ziele abzielen. So erreichst du in kürzerer Zeit mehr. Zudem zahlst du im Fitnessstudio oft für eine Mitgliedschaft, die du kaum nutzt, und verschwendest dadurch Geld. Mit einem Personal Trainer zahlst du zwar mehr pro Stunde, aber du bekommst maßgeschneiderte Unterstützung, die dich schneller und sicherer ans Ziel bringt. Langfristig sparst du so Geld, weil du deine Ziele effizienter erreichst und motiviert bleibst, statt auf halbem Weg aufzugeben.